Wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye

523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

Partner Alert: SaCeMa Nordic Projects for Scandinavia!

We are proud to pronounce that SaCeMa Nordic Projects joined the GIRN-Family as a partner for Scandinavia 🤝

SaCeMa Nordic Projects was established to serve customers demand for Project shipment and over dimensional cargo (ODC).

SaCeMa Nordic Projects serve clients to and from especially the Nordic/Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Denmark. Finland and Norway to worldwide destinations.

Also cross trade, ship chartering and project consolidation are offered and developed as per clients demands.

Since Project shipping and ODC’s have become more complex and can not be taken as general cargo handling, therefore Sacema Nordic Projects is at your service.

SaCeMa Nordic Projects already serves a wide range of Nordic/Scandinavian companies and the staff has many years of experience in Project shipment and ODC cargo. 

SaCeMa Nordic Projects can fulfill clients needs and be clients advisor and helping hand for their complex cargo.

Summa Sumarum: SACEMA NORDIC PROJECTS is the extended arm for clients with project shipments and ODC special cargo.

Welcome to GIRN, SaCeMa Nordic!