Wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye

523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

About GIRN

The Global Industrial Relocation Network was founded in November 2020 with a clear vision to form an alliance of experts in the industrial dismantling and re-installation industry.

Our network was created by professionals for professionals who have outstanding know-how in the field of the relocation of industrial equipment and plants.

We put personal relationships at the heart of everything we do and believe they are more important than ever in a world that becomes increasingly short-term, impersonal and transactional. Every day we search for information on potential new relocation projects, share that information with fellow members, properly connect contractors for each project, and promote our network and its members among prospective customers, in traditional and social media, as well as at relocation industry events.

Our annual meeting is the culmination of the daily efforts of our team, all members and partners.

We aim to help our members find the right partner in every corner of the world and build quality and lasting business relationships. The membership in GIRN will help dismantlers to join forces with re-installation companies, which would allow both partners to widen the scope of services they offer.

GIRN also has a very close relationship with highly specialized logistics providers with extensive experience in industrial relocation. All this would allow our members to provide their customers with a one-stop-shop experience.

A word from our CEO,
Mr. Bartosz Swiderek

In recent years, global business has been changing at an unprecedented pace. New technologies, changing regulations and trends have a huge impact on industry. As the businesses which deliver industrial relocation services, we are an important part of the industrial landscape.

My entire professional experience is related to working in an international relocation company founded by my father. Based on thirty years of this experience, I am sure the demand for comprehensive global relocation services will only increase.


The industry of today is in a search for professional solutions involving relocation of machinery, equipment and even entire factories. Collaboration with other industrial relocation companies, including those that specialise in disassembly, assembly, installation and with many other partners, is a guarantee of the high quality of service.

I am delighted to invite you to join our global network of independent relocation businesses. By working together we will be able to better face our clients’ challenges and meet their expectations in a more flexible way than ever before.

History of our network