Wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye

523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

New Partner from Switzerland: Welti-Furrer Pneukran & Spezialtransporte AG

In order to provide our clients with a complement service in our network we need reliable and professional partners. Today we are more than happy to present you Welti-Furrer Pneukran & Spezialtransporte AG from Switzerland!

This company, rich in tradition, was acquired in 1993 by the Knecht Group from Windisch, Switzerland and complemented the already existing activities in heavy-duty. Under the Group’s leadership it has since grown to become one of the leading transport companies with an innovative and wide-ranging portfolio of services, which are available via five branch offices covering all of Switzerland. Today, Welti-Furrer Pneukran & Spezialtransporte AG is the number one address in Switzerland for heavy load logistics and complements these activities with relocations and fine-art.

Success doesn’t just happen. Welti Furrer ‘s 180-year history is proof positive that clients absolutely depend on their team’s expertise and flexibility. Rightfully so, because at Welti-Furrer they leave nothing to Chance. Customer satisfaction is highest priority – yesterday, today and tomorrow.