Wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye

523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

New Member: Modpack System – Industrial Relocation, Export Packing and Multimodal Transport

Day by day, month by month, Global Industrial Relocation Network is growing bigger and bigger.

The hard time with coronavirus forced many companies to change strategy. The Global market help with this change and help with getting new projects.

How to be a part of Global market? With GIRnetwork it is easier. We connect companies from around the world.

Today we want to present you one of them:
Modpack System is intelligent, single source supplier services include factory relocation, industrial relocation, export packing and multimodal transport. Modpack Group have been present on the market since 2007. They have quickly achieved a leading position, and now They are proud to develop business by expanding into other countries.

They have made a significant investment in the future of the company and its employees. By offering services as a single source supplier in new territories across Europe, USA and the rest of the world. They consider the expansion a long-term commitment both to our employees and our customers. They are continually adding new clients and building more lasting, profitable international partnerships.
