Wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye

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1st GIRN Annual Meeting – Video

Building and maintaining relationships is important to us. This is the idea behind GIRN. It’s important to be able to build strong relationships in the business world, with that your company can get more projects.

This is why our 1st Annual Meeting in Vienna was a big milestone in the life of our Network, attended by many of our partners and members.

It is a real honour to share with you a short interview with Mr. Ali Ibrahim, CEO & Chairman of RABOTEC GROUP, from the event, which reminds us once again of the wonderful time we had in Vienna.

Thank you for your kind words Mr. Ali Ibrahim.

We look forward to meet you again next year. 🤝

#girn #rabotecgroup #annualmeeting #global #industrial #relocation #network #Industrialrelocation #globalindustrialrelocation #vienna #throwback